Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nice and Cold

Nice and Cold
I wasn’t planning to run this week, or at any time soon.  I am out of shape and some very cold weather has come in, ranging as low as one degree Fahrenheit at night, and the teens during the day.  All the same, I got a little charged up by the beautiful sunlight today so I went out.  It was completely comfortable, though there was no wind.  If there had been, frostbite would have been a concern, as I ran for forty-four minutes.  Keep in mind that the minutes per mile in the winter don’t add up well because of the loose snow in places and the waiting for traffic lights which is hard to figure in.  For example, today I ran 3.7 miles (Google Earth) in 44 minutes.  That is an average of 11:50 miles.  On the other hand, I waited at five traffic lights for less than one cycle, so that amount to something less than five minutes.  If I figure 39 minutes for the 3.7 miles then that comes out at 10:30 miles, which could be more or less what I expected.  Anyway, the time stopped at traffic lights is valuable, as my heart rate is definitely elevated through the wait. 

Weight:  198 lbs

Post-Run Resting Heart:  95 bpm (not really resting, is half hour after run)

3.72 miles          4.37 YTD

44 minutes          54  YTD

The Run: 
Really good, though I feared I would be too tired to run three.  I put the feeling aside and ignored the loose snow.  It wan’t slippery because it was very cold .  I didn’t have ringing in my ears or cranky knees or anything.  No trouble with shins, or feet.  No trouble with anything getting cold.  This is interesting because I only wore my warm-up pants with running shorts and jockey shorts under that with a t-shirt, fleece and a sweatshirt hoodie.  The hood was enough for my head and my feet did not get cold at all.  Again, if in the future it’s in the teens, be careful to check for wind.  Today it was eighteen degrees, but no wind and the sun shone brightly and clearly the entire way.


A covering of snow.  Plowed with about an inch or two left from plowing; this loose snow is dense!

18F      (-8) C
Wind:  0 mph
Humidity:  65%
Sunlight:          8:03  -  5:45

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Considering the weeks off since I had to take time to adjust for my arch supports, I didn’t expect a good run.  In fact, I hadn’t even thought about running this year until I realized I was fifteen minutes from sunrise (8:14 this week).  I jumped into my clothes and got out on the pavement, which was icy and forced me to walk at first.  Nevertheless, I faced down the new year and got off my keester.
Weight:  196 lbs
0.65 miles
10 minutes
The Run: 
Cranky.  I felt like my knees had been stored in a box for a month.  It took the entire run to loosen up, but the good news is that I had no shin trouble, and the arch supports now feel completely natural.  I might have run farther, but not knowing I was going to run I had downed a full glass of O.J. and a coffee in the half hour before.
19F      (-7)C
Mostly Cloudy
Wind:  N at 7mph
Humidity:  65%