Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday: Like a Rock

31 July 12
WHEN:                        2:00
TEMP:                         82 F (28 C)
CONDITIONS:           Mostly Sunny
RUN:                           5.0 mi (8 K)
TIME:                          47:23
RATE:                          9.47 m/mi
AM WEIGHT:              193 lb (87.6 k)
INJURY THREATS:    Losing middle right toe nail (ignore) 
MILEAGE YTD:          143 (229 K)
I could hardly believe today’s result.  At this point of the program, I shouldn’t be strong enough to duplicate the long Saturday run during the week.  True, it’s still an intermediate schedule at best, but it was not strain at all to run the farthest I have in a year, and three minutes faster than on the weekend, without trying to run faster.  The last two laps were very strong, and the burst on the last backstretch felt wonderful.

Monday Standard Minimum

30 July 12
WHEN:                        2:00
TEMP:                         82 F (28 C)
CONDITIONS:           Sunny, Humid
RUN:                           3.0 mi (4.8 K)
TIME:                          29:48
RATE:                         9.8 m/mi
AM WEIGHT:             193 lb (87.6 k)
1. Toe not actually broken, as black/blue fading 
2. Losing middle right toe nail (ignore) 
MILEAGE YTD:          138 (221 K)
The Grand Rapids Marathon is on 21 Oct 12.  It seems too soon (< 3 months) for a full marathon, but if not this year, then I should do it next year, and after that.  It my home turf marathon.  I’ve never tried a half marathon before; maybe the twelve mile distance will be forgiving enough.  I had thought I would like to run in Arizona this year, as there is a very late marathon (December), but I doubt the cash will be there for the trip.  Otherwise, the River Ban Run (25K – 15.5 miles) is ten months away.  By that time I should finally be ready.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Rise of the Dragon Runner

Rise of the Dragon Runner and the Beginning of Phase III
            Accounting for the last seventeen days, the work out has developed beyond the daily grind.  First of all, the first eight days were run in temperatures 89 – 98 degrees F (32 -37 C).  Even so, I was able to run a full three miles on each of those days.  The hard part to believe is that I didn’t lose any appreciable pace.  All of the runs came in just seconds under the 10 min/mile pace.  Now this seems disappointing, but it’s encouraging for a couple of good reasons.  First, a recognizable pace is always a sign of strengthening muscles and the will is solidifying.  Secondly, I still weigh around 200 pounds, so it would be unreasonable to expect any form of the old bounce with so much weight on.  Thinking of it in reverse, what would have happened when I was training at 7:30/ mile over 10-12 mile distances if I had strapped on forty or fifty pounds of dead weight?  I feel pretty good about where I’m at.
            The next nine days have had good surprises.  None of the runs were less than three miles, and none were any slower, but two of the runs came in under 9:20 per mile.  These were both on days over ninety degrees (Dragon Runner), and they weren’t difficult.  Sometimes the track has competition on it, and seeing a lean young runner half my age or less going around only a little faster than me perks up my drive appreciably.  Early spring two years ago I was starting out around twelve minute miles, so considering the fact that I’m not trying to run faster, it’s another area I have reason to be thankful for.  On top of all that, four days ago I felt good near the end of my run, so I added a full mile in one shot!  I had been adding one or two laps to get up to three miles.  As if that weren’t good enough news, this weekend was a bit cooler (mid 80’s F), and I felt so good, I ran a pair of five mile runs, just like that, without wearing in the four mile distance.  Not only that, but both the four mile run, and both five mile runs were within seconds of the same sub-ten minute pace, proving that it really is a developed pace.  I couldn’t be happier!  (Not to even mention the fact that the last three runs were with a broken toe)
            This all means that Phase III begins now.  Recall that Phase I is the level at which any distance run is a success, no matter how small, because it’s done in painful little pieces at a poor rate.  Phase II was where a standard run developed and a pace emerged.  Remember, that the sub-10 minutes won’t impress anyone, but when every single three mile run comes in within thirty seconds of every other run, it’s a real, live pace.  The value is that it’s not such a plodding, weighted down feeling.  The faster the run, the sooner it’s done, and when a pace emerges, it’s the result of increasing muscle tone which is more comfortable.  At this point, it’s easier to run faster than it is to run slower.  Finally, Phase III produces longer runs than the standard minimum, which I take to be three miles.  This means there is no day, with no conditions under which I can’t run three miles at my current standard pace.  So, the work outs from now on will have to come under a real program with some logic.  For example, the Saturday run should become the long, easy run for maximum distance, and Sundays should be some sort of resting run, perhaps the standard minimum.  At any rate, it’s time to star charting daily progress and reflecting on useful observations about diet and such.
Times                           11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Temps                          82 – 98 F  (28 – 37 C)
Conditions                  Sunny, humid (only three days of cloudy)
Runs                            14x 3.0 ; 1x 4.0; 2x 5.0 miles   (total 56 miles)
Rates                           2x sub 9:20 ; 13x 10:00 ; 2x 10:20
Weight                                    195 lbs (movement at last!)
Injury Threats              broken little toe on right foot (ignore)
                                    losing toe nail on middle toe of right foot (ignore)
                                    tight hamstring (right) after four miles (why after four miles?)
                                    stiff left heel, but not during running, mostly after waking up
Alerts                          I read that it is wrong thinking to have aspirin or NSAIDs in the body
                                    during long runs, as they mess with the kidneys.  Must take my man-spirin
                                    either early or late, but not just before
Odd                             I also read that more runners have suffered from too much water
 (hyponatremia) than too little water (dehydration).  Odd, but once again
good sense wins out; the advice is to drink to thirst, not to schedule.
Mileage YTD              132 miles (211 Km)
Time YTD                   1309 minutes  (21:49:00)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

DAY  194

Today I account for these past four days.  The weather was cooler Monday and Tuesday, but I didn’t really run farther.  I had been trying to get back up to 3.0 miles but it was hot last week, with temperatures exceeding a hundred, believe it or not!  On Monday there was some competition on the track, so my inner drive did not permit me to run slower.  As I remember, I ran two miles at 9:15 mpm.  This is encouraging; however difficult it has been to extend my mileage, I can see that muscles are still building. 
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Dorothy decided to start running.  We went down to the track but didn’t have time to run because we were supposed to meet Ted and Rita for sushi, so we only ran a single lap.  When we came back home, I went out again (two hours after eating) and ran after 7:30pm.  This was a pain because the declining sun was in my face.  It was close to two hours before sunset, but I hated it.  (I think the same would happen at sunrise, but that’s just after six in the morning, when I am always asleep).
So, the temperatures were back up yesterday and today.  I ran both days after noon sometime, when the temperature was between 88 F and 92 F.  In spite of that, I ran strong both days and completed a full three miles.  Today I felt like the heat itself energized instead of sapping me.  If this continues, I’ll dub myself the dragon runner.  (Maybe influenced by the last episode of the first season of Game of Thrones that I watched last night.)

TIME                          Mid-Afternoon
TEMP                          88 – 92 F   (31 – 33 C)
CONDITIONS           sunny, clear
RUNS                         2.25 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 3.0
RATES                       9:50 , 9:20 , 9:50 , 9:55
WEIGHT                    199 lbs still!
INJURY THREAT     stiff left knee at beginning, soreness in both heels later in evening
MILEAGE  YTD       75.75 miles (121 Km)
TIME  YTD                749 minutes

Saturday, July 7, 2012

To Day 189

So, the heat test was on this week, with temperatures in Grand Rapids topping a full 100 F (38 C).  I ran Wed, Thurs, and Fri during midday.  Expecting that I wouldn't be able to run because of the heat I was confirmed that Phase II is in effect, because I felt very good, even energized by the heat.  Of course, I could not run as far, but on Thursday in particular I ran faster and felt wonderful; 2 miles at 9:19 pace. 


TIME        11 am - 4 pm
TEMP        94 - 103 F    (34-39 C)
CONDITIONS        Sunny, Clear
RUNS        2.0 + 2.25 + 2.0 miles (3.2, 3.6, 3.2 K)
RATES        9:50, 9:19, 9:55 mpm
WEIGHT        200 lbs  (91 k)   still!
INJURY THREAT        Heels feel stiff in morning, right hamstring sometimes tight
Mileage YTD        65.5 mi  (105 k)
Time YTD        649 minutes