Monday, January 5, 2015

No streakers, no frostbite!


I read an article this weekend about Streakers--those who seek to run in streaks, such as 365 days without a miss, or ten years without missing a day of running at least one mile.  I would personally rather break the streak right away than to become trapped under the burden of having to run no matter what.  The article said that the dedication to streaking has caused people to run with fevers, to run the day after surgery, or delivering a baby!  

I am a huge proponent of listening to your body.  From time to time your body will send a message that the stress of a workout schedule, or the stress from other sources such as work is too much.  Listen to your body, and take the break.  

So, today I checked the temperature in the morning and promptly declared that I would run after work in hopes it would be milder.  No such luck.  By the time five o'clock rolled around this afternoon, my Galaxy told me it was only single digit eight Fahrenheit!  I have long said I do not run in sub-zero temperatures, but I also know that exactly zero is no kind of absolute number.  I think that with the wind, an eight degree climate generates a frostbite hazard, so no, I am not going running today, and probably not tomorrow either.  Keep it safe, there will be plenty of opportunities for running.

For those who don't particularly like the cold, bask in the following scene:

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