Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Give it Another Day


So, the weather is prohibitive.  Doesn't do much for my work out plan, especially since I don't have an indoor workout going on.  Last week I was doing some light toning with the 60lbs on the bar, and let it down with too much of a snap.  Something in my right elbow said "No!" and it's kept me from working out.  Not so painful, but weak when I try to life something.  No shoulder presses, no running, plenty of food everywhere . . . 

Monday, January 5, 2015

No streakers, no frostbite!


I read an article this weekend about Streakers--those who seek to run in streaks, such as 365 days without a miss, or ten years without missing a day of running at least one mile.  I would personally rather break the streak right away than to become trapped under the burden of having to run no matter what.  The article said that the dedication to streaking has caused people to run with fevers, to run the day after surgery, or delivering a baby!  

I am a huge proponent of listening to your body.  From time to time your body will send a message that the stress of a workout schedule, or the stress from other sources such as work is too much.  Listen to your body, and take the break.  

So, today I checked the temperature in the morning and promptly declared that I would run after work in hopes it would be milder.  No such luck.  By the time five o'clock rolled around this afternoon, my Galaxy told me it was only single digit eight Fahrenheit!  I have long said I do not run in sub-zero temperatures, but I also know that exactly zero is no kind of absolute number.  I think that with the wind, an eight degree climate generates a frostbite hazard, so no, I am not going running today, and probably not tomorrow either.  Keep it safe, there will be plenty of opportunities for running.

For those who don't particularly like the cold, bask in the following scene:

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Beastly Weather


I know that I'm supposed to get more mileage in on the weekend, but conditions were negative today.  As a result I deferred to the standard course #1.  Boosted by my Samsung Technology, here we go:

Distance:    3.65 miles
Course:    The Loop
Conditions:    1-2 inches wet snow or firm slush, liquid puddles
Temperature:    32F

Calories Burned:  559
Max Pace:    8'30"/ mi
Ascent:    1.30 mi
Descent:    1.04 mi

Finish Weight:    193lbs on the liar scale.

The overall run was good, but I argued myself down from attempting the same five miler as yesterday.  Today was thick wet snow, making the effort more difficult, and there was a stiff wind coming straight out of the West, which was unusual, but would have stymied me on the return had I gone for the extra.  And, I have to admit I am concerned about my hamstring.  I did quite a few stretches at traffic lights, with some positive effects.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Slush Fest

Being Saturday, no need to get up early, righto?  Right on.  So, I go out at about the time ice is coating everything in sight, but it doesn't last.  Too warm, I suppose, but not so warm as to eliminate the solid wet mush at every street crossing.  Not that I'm complaining, just that at less than halfway I thoroughly soaked my right shoe, so mush, mush, mush.  Oh, and BTW, I'm high tech online now, as I took my new Galaxy 5 for the run with me.  I see that I should have recorded the details, as it doesn't save everything; whatever, here we go:

Distance:    5+ Miles
Course:    "The Leg", Div & 48th / 48th & Eastern / Eastern & 44th / 44th & Kalamazoo
Conditions:    1+ inch standing slush at road crossings, slightly crusty snow on sidewalks
Dress:    The "heavy"

The overall run was good, nice and solid in spite of the crabby, crampy beginning.  Funny thing on return was that I showered and took a nap.  When I got up, I checked my heart rate, and it was still around 100.  Not good.  I had a large glass of water and lounged for a half hour, and my heart rate came down to 75bpm, where it should be.  Was I that dehydrated?  Scary.  Again, I am too out of shape to push the rate too far.  Coming down from 44th and Kalamazoo with theme music from Requiem for a Dream on the pod, I was feeling pretty mighty, so I couldn't help myself.  When the truck threw the dark slush at me, I didn't even flinch.  Like a Boss.

Friday, January 2, 2015


So, it was only three miles, so I can't call myself a badass.  On the other hand, I succeeded in getting myself out of bed when my alarm went off at 5:30am.  Maybe the "am" is obvious, but I feel good about it, so I emphasize it.  Here we go:

Distance:  3+ miles
Course:  The "loop", same as yesterday.
Conditions:  1+ inch new snow, marginal ice to avoid
Dress:  The "heavy", ASICS running jacket and hoody

The overall run was a little better than yesterday.  I was intimidated by the idea of running in the dark, so I actually halved the "loop", that is, I ran down Division to 44th to Eastern, then back the same way, just because the Eastern leg between 44th and 48th is exceptionally dark at that time.  There are some animals along that leg; I know of at least one dog who is usually docile, but I didn't want to try him in the off hours.  Otherwise there are some turkeys and a wooded area where who knows what is in there?  The run was not too cold, in fact, with the double jacket and a thick t-shirt I sweat a bit too much again.  Things to watch out for in the morning:  the sudden appearance of the smallest pick-up truck in the world with a plow, doing the sidewalks for the city!  This guy did not show signs of recognition, so I expect he might become my nemesis in the morning darkness.  

Weight:  199lbs.
Heart Rate:  no data

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Here We Go Again


Another year, another resolution to run myself into shape.  Today it was tough, about 23 F, with a stiff wind.  Nevertheless, a failure to start on the first day would spell doom for the resolution, so here it is:

Distance:  3+ miles
Course:  48th & Division / Eastern & 44th loop 
Conditions:  Snowing & Windy
Dress:  L/S Tee, Asics running jacket, training hoody
Time:  None Measured

The overall run was good.  I did the old high school stretches for the first time because I have been having hamstring trouble.  I felt old and slow in the beginning, and although I did not feel very strong, the pace picked up after a mile and I was not cold at any time.  Funny, the first runs work off the excess water; since I lost five pounds on the run, I must have sweat off a half gallon!

And FYI, I weighed 204 at the peak of the holiday pig-out . . . we'll just have to see how much weight burns off in January.  (Or more like, flushes out, as the weight I carry is mostly bloat in my opinion . . . )

Tuesday, March 12, 2013



Weight:  196 lbs

Post-Run Resting Heart:  79 bpm PC (post-coffee)

3.5 miles          7.87 YTD
41 minutes          95  YTD

11:43 mpm  (fair to poor)

The Run: 
Really good, though I feared I would be too tired to run three.  I felt good, forcing myself to shuffle slowly, not knowing how long I would last.  I found on the way that my old friend the Track was open, so I entered and ran two miles before returning home without stopping except for traffic lights.  This worked out nicely, as it was encouraging to get on the track, even though the inner three lanes had some ice to be avoided.
Weather/Road Condition:
Surfaces wet but clear of snow and ice, except for lane one and two of the track.  Weather was good enough to run without a hat or over-hood.  Ran in my track suit, felt fine.  Clouds threatened, so I was running the risk of getting wet on a very bad day for running wet, but survived as it did not start raining until later.

38F      (+4C)
Mostly Cloudy
Wind:  light
Humidity:  unknown
Sunlight:          7:59 - 7:46

Outlook:  There is no way I’ll be ready for the River Bank Run again, so I’ll try once more to be in shape for a late year long run, possibly even out West, but that depends upon school.  It would be super cool to run a marathon in November in Tuscon.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Nice and Cold

Nice and Cold
I wasn’t planning to run this week, or at any time soon.  I am out of shape and some very cold weather has come in, ranging as low as one degree Fahrenheit at night, and the teens during the day.  All the same, I got a little charged up by the beautiful sunlight today so I went out.  It was completely comfortable, though there was no wind.  If there had been, frostbite would have been a concern, as I ran for forty-four minutes.  Keep in mind that the minutes per mile in the winter don’t add up well because of the loose snow in places and the waiting for traffic lights which is hard to figure in.  For example, today I ran 3.7 miles (Google Earth) in 44 minutes.  That is an average of 11:50 miles.  On the other hand, I waited at five traffic lights for less than one cycle, so that amount to something less than five minutes.  If I figure 39 minutes for the 3.7 miles then that comes out at 10:30 miles, which could be more or less what I expected.  Anyway, the time stopped at traffic lights is valuable, as my heart rate is definitely elevated through the wait. 

Weight:  198 lbs

Post-Run Resting Heart:  95 bpm (not really resting, is half hour after run)

3.72 miles          4.37 YTD

44 minutes          54  YTD

The Run: 
Really good, though I feared I would be too tired to run three.  I put the feeling aside and ignored the loose snow.  It wan’t slippery because it was very cold .  I didn’t have ringing in my ears or cranky knees or anything.  No trouble with shins, or feet.  No trouble with anything getting cold.  This is interesting because I only wore my warm-up pants with running shorts and jockey shorts under that with a t-shirt, fleece and a sweatshirt hoodie.  The hood was enough for my head and my feet did not get cold at all.  Again, if in the future it’s in the teens, be careful to check for wind.  Today it was eighteen degrees, but no wind and the sun shone brightly and clearly the entire way.


A covering of snow.  Plowed with about an inch or two left from plowing; this loose snow is dense!

18F      (-8) C
Wind:  0 mph
Humidity:  65%
Sunlight:          8:03  -  5:45

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Considering the weeks off since I had to take time to adjust for my arch supports, I didn’t expect a good run.  In fact, I hadn’t even thought about running this year until I realized I was fifteen minutes from sunrise (8:14 this week).  I jumped into my clothes and got out on the pavement, which was icy and forced me to walk at first.  Nevertheless, I faced down the new year and got off my keester.
Weight:  196 lbs
0.65 miles
10 minutes
The Run: 
Cranky.  I felt like my knees had been stored in a box for a month.  It took the entire run to loosen up, but the good news is that I had no shin trouble, and the arch supports now feel completely natural.  I might have run farther, but not knowing I was going to run I had downed a full glass of O.J. and a coffee in the half hour before.
19F      (-7)C
Mostly Cloudy
Wind:  N at 7mph
Humidity:  65%

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Late September Trouble

10 Oct 12        That Old Familiar Pain 

During the last week of September I ran a total of about thirty miles, but it wasn’t so good.  The shin splints nearly put me out. 

Temperature are way down, fifties and sixties, so clothing must be chosen accordingly.

Rain is going to be a more regular factor, and not the cool summer stuff.  Autumn rain is to avoided like the plague.

The air should be good for the next six months at least.

Again, with the shin splints I have had trouble.  With the inserts, the pain is gone after five or six miles, but that is going to cause problems, so I’ve been off for about two weeks.

TIME                                       range
RATE                                      est. 9.8 – 10.5
WEIGHT                                 188 lbs
HEART RATE            

Not to go on excessively about it, I remember that in the seventies the inserts altered the bone positions, and it took some time for the muscles and tendons to adjust.  I don’t remember how long that took, but eventually it must have been good, because all of my good running and long running took place after that.  I remember that after a while I couldn’t tell if the inserts were in or not.  The only question is that the expert kid in the store said we don’t run in inserts, but I always did, as the podiatrist told me to.  I will run in these, but they are far from durable as the resin inserts.  On the other hand, how many times can I buy a pair of these for thirty dollars before it equals a visit to the doctor and the creation of resin inserts?

MILEAGE YTD                      370

I might resume today.  This is the most dangerous period, because once a runner gets up in the mileage but takes two weeks off late in the year, there is the pull to stop running until Spring.  I can’t have that, so I had better get moving.