Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day One: New Year's Day

It was inevitable that the counting/tracking system would change several times before the actual "day one."  That said, here I am on the first of the year.  My first goal is to run 366 days (leap!) this year.  There are other goals, but the most immediate discipline is to get onto the road every day.

Considering that thirty-six hours ago I was busy "purging" due to some virus; I lost about five pounds by the time the ordeal was over.  As I have proved many times before, the best solution to a virus is a total fast.  In the first twelve hours, nothing, not even water.  Then, for another twenty-four hours, nothing but carbonated and clear soda pop.  After thirty-six hours, all is well.  I drank a coffee, waited an hour and ate a bowl of Dorothy's excellent pea soup; it was heavenly after a fast.  Two hours later, I had a couple of thin slices of pork tenderloin and baked beans.  No problems, other than the intense desire to eat more.  Not a good idea, I've had enough food.  I'll probably eat a slice of pizza leftover for dinner, but Dorothy might cook up something better.  Feels good to be feeling good.

The run today felt good.  The weather is supposed to crash tonight, but if there is no ice, I will be happy.  There were no muscle aches or connecting tissue strains; I'll be careful tomorrow, as I expect to be tight.  Not breathing hard at all, no problems.

Time:    4:38pm
Temperature:    32F/0C
Sunrise:    8:14am
Sunset:    5:18pm
Conditions:    Windy -- 16mph/26kph    Snowy
Clothing:  Warm, light sweaty

Run Time:    16 minutes  acceptable run
Google Earth Course:    1.73 miles/1.0km
Rate:    9:14 mpm
Injury Threats:    none

Dinner Previous:        None, sick with virus -- heavy purge
Liquids:    no coffee, nothing but Vernor's
Blood Thinner:    none
Sleep:    Excessive, due to sickness.  Slept three times during previous day for total exceeding six hours, plus normal bed time last night.  Got up with fireworks, back to bed at 2:00am, slept until nine or ten.  Fully charged.

est. 133 days to GR River Bank 25K

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